Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Gentle Rain

Even with the struggles, trials, and tribulations of the 'Selling Time' there was an aura of peace over everything. I knew this was the right path. After a year and a half of trying, on May 27th 1997, we finally sold the last location and I was, suddenly, free. I didn't know what to do with myself. For the first time in my adult life I didn't have to worry about robberies or employees or cash shortages.

I was able to take about 3 months off. It was summer...I spent the days mowing the lawn and floating in the pool. I helped with a High School mission trip and church camp. I still wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to do with the rest of my life but that was about to change.

I followed a friend's advice and applied for a tech support job. To my surprise I got it. I got a job doing MSN Technical Support. I went to work for 40 hours a week, I did my job, I left 'them' alone and 'they' left me alone. It was a blast...they were paying me to play with computers and to help other people with their computers. At 39 I was one of the older people working the phones. So many of my friends around me thought it was a super high stress environment. Sorry, they didn't know what high stress was. This was heaven. This was a time of healing and cleansing for me. For the first time in my life I looked forward to each new day. I learned how wonderful it was to want to go to work each day. There weren't any swords hanging over my head. Was this really happening? Had they made a mistake? I was afraid they would wake up and tell me I wasn't suppose to be there...that I was enjoying it too much.

I realized what a precious gift this all was. I promised God that I was there until He told me it was time to move. He's moved me 3 times since then but each time there's been a job waiting that was better and more enjoyable than the one before, especially the one I have now...this job has re-united me with my beautiful wife and we are again working together.

I realized after a while that what I did for a living...the thing that kept the roof over our heads...didn't matter nearly as much as just being open to God's voice and being ready and willing to use the gifts He's given whenever the chance comes up.

Even though there are ups and downs from time to time I can honestly say that my worst days now are better than my best days used to be. What a blessing.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog is very inspirational to me. Thank you.

9:00 AM, May 19, 2006  

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