Thursday, May 07, 2009

Break-In Update

Knot remindeded me that after my rather emotional report of our break in that I haven't updated. There have some interesting and not-so-surprising developments.

The break in happened on 4-7-09. On 4-16 we heard that two houses in a neighborhood a couple of miles away had been broken into with striking similarities to our break in: the car seen outside was black, the beds in every room had been turned upside down, someone had crapped in each place and put the toilet paper in the waste basket. The good news was the police caught the buglers at the other two houses in the act and found out they had quite a bit of stolen items in their vehicle as well as a storage unit where they were keeping other items stolen from other houses.

I waited until 4-23 to call the police to check on our break in's investigation. I was told that (after just over 2 weeks) that our case had not been assigned to an investigator yet. I explained the information I had found out and that I was interested to see if the other cases were related to ours. I was told to call back when I knew the exact addresses of the other break ins and they would reference it on our case for when an investigator was assigned.

Meanwhile (after finding that the insurance company had put a limit on the allowable amount for stolen firearms which was about half the value of what I lost) we continued with the laborious task of inventorying everything for the insurance claim, gathering proof of purchase and serial #'s and looking up replacement costs, all the while hoping we would hear from the police that they had recovered at least some of our stuff. I was amazed how many receipts and records I still of those things that seems a pain over the years to keep but really comes in handy when you need it.

On 4-28 we turned in the insurance information. On Friday 5-1 I called the police back after finally getting the addresses of the other break ins only to be told that in one short week our case had been marked as "inactive due to lack of leads". What!? I asked who it was assigned to and they said it had never been assigned. WHAT!

In the mean time it has now been over a week since turning in all the claim information===UPDATE: as I was writing this the insurance company called and they are ready to send us a check. So far so good.

As for the burglary: What do you expect from people who live off of others? You expect them to rob and steal and be societies leaches.

No, the hardest screw is from the police...especially considering how we pay through the nose for the services. AND BEFORE YOU SAY IT'S DUE TO AN OVERWHELMING CASE LOAD---I refer you to this little gem where our city officials brag about having the lowest crime rate in 50 years...

I share Johnny's attitude towards the thieves...from both ends of society...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last place I worked before I left "the city" was in the Police department. I wish I had more pull there. Only thing I can suggest is that you call your council member and let him or her know the circumstances. Then make a call to the City Manager. Believe it or not, he is a guy who can get things done. If neither work show up to a city council meeting and calmly explain the facts and ask to have it looked into. If nothing else it will make them look like idiots that they aren't taking care of things.

7:07 PM, May 07, 2009  

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